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Do You Need A Commercial Auto Insurance Policy?

commerical autoIf you run a business that requires the use of vehicles for company activities, you need a commercial auto insurance policy. Commercial insurance policies are designed to protect you against the wide variety of liability issues you face when you have employees on the road using your vehicles.


What Happens Without a Commercial Auto Policy?


Without a commercial auto policy, you and your company will be held accountable for property damage and injuries if an accident occurs. Only a commercial policy can protect you and your business from financial disaster.


How Many Cars/Trucks Do You Need For a Commercial Auto Policy?


Whether your company has one car or a hundred delivery vans, there is a commercial policy that will suit your needs. You can obtain individual commercial policies for each vehicle the company uses or choose a fleet policy if you have more than a few cars.


You have other insurance policies to protect your company from liability, fire, theft, and other potentially ruinous events. Commercial auto is the policy that will protect your company when you or your employees are on the road.


Don Westerfeld 11/13/2014 2:47:00 PM

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